Citizens Bank Park - Clio (2025)

Built in 2004, Citizens Bank Park is a world-class, baseball only, stadium in southern Philadelphia, that acts as the home field for the Philadelphia Phillies franchise. In retrospect to the life-span of the Phillies, this ballpark is a new home and a breath of fresh air compared to where they had played previously. The stadium combines Philadelphia's rich tradition of sports architecture with unmistakably modern style. This 1.15 million square foot facility was built on a 21-acre site, in what is now known as the Philadelphia Sports Complex.

Exterior of Citizens Bank Park. Courtesy of Philadelphia Phillies/ MLB

Citizens Bank Park - Clio (1)

Citizens Bank Park Baseball Field. Courtesy of Philadelphia Phillies/ MLB

Citizens Bank Park - Clio (2)

Neon Home-Run Liberty Bell in the Outfield. Courtesy of Philadelphia Phillies/ MLB

Citizens Bank Park - Clio (4)

Veterans Stadium, the former home to the Philadelphia Phillies. Courtesy of the MLB

Citizens Bank Park - Clio (6)

Consideringthat the sport of baseball is widely regarded as the most prominent American pastime,it is only fitting that a stadium receives as much hype as the team that playswithin it. In some cases, an athletic stadium can be among the most visited locationsin any given city. This holds true for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The city ofPhiladelphia is flooded with history, and even more specifically sportshistory. The baseball team that holds the city’s name, the PhiladelphiaPhillies, is considered to be one of the oldest baseball franchises, as well asone of the originals. Citizens Bank Park is the current home to the Philliesfranchise. However, like many other things the teams home has not remainedconstant. Also ever-changing is the success and popularity of the PhiladelphiaPhillies, being that these factors have fluctuated greatly in the team’shistory.

Built in 2004, Citizens Bank Park is aworld-class, baseball only, stadium in southern Philadelphia, that acts as thehome field for the Philadelphia Phillies franchise. In retrospect to thelife-span of the Phillies, this ballpark is a new home and a breath of freshair compared to where they had played previously. But, that will come up later.Citizens Bank Park opened on April 12, 2004. Designedby two leading architectural firms, Ewing Cole Cherry Brott and HOK Sport, thestadium combines Philadelphia's rich tradition of sports architecture withunmistakably modern style. This 1.15 million square foot facility was built ona 21-acre site, in what is now known as the Philadelphia Sports Complex. Withthe ability to hold 43,651 fans in seats, Citizens Bank Park allows allspectators a view of its 440,000 cubic yards of playingfield. Most importantly, this ballpark is inviting and brings what happens in abustling city within, by offering views of thefield from street level. It houses anOpen Main Concourse, of 360 degrees, and state-of-the-art HD video boards that allowsfans to constantly connect with the game. Also, an open outfield allows for ascenic view of Center City Skyline.

After deciding on the site of an old food warehouse, the newhome of the Phillies cost $458millionto build, with taxpayers and private investors splitting thecosts half and half, or about $229 million on each side. However, as part ofthe deal, the Phillies paid for the construction overruns and pay to maintainthe ballpark. ThePhillies sold the naming rights to Citizens Bank for $95 million over 25 years.This included $57.5 million for naming rights and $37.5 million for thePhillies broadcast media package. Prior to construction, three sites were discussedfor the Phillies' new ballpark. They were Chinatown, a downtown site known asLiberty Yards and a site adjacent to Veterans Stadium. The Liberty Yards itwas. The site in the, now known, Philadelphia Sports Complex was chosen andwould also be the location of a new football stadium for the Eagles. With that,Philadelphia City Council approved the construction of two new stadiums and on November13, 2000, Former Mayor of Philadelphia, John Street announced that the newPhillies' ballpark and Eagles' stadium would be located in the Sports Complex.

Manyof the fans who sit in Citizens Bank Park and enjoy a Phillies game are noteven aware of the struggle the team endured before arriving there. For over three decades the Phillies played at perhapsthe worst multipurpose stadium built,VeteransStadium. Not only was it large, with over 62,000seats for baseball, but was well known for having the worst turf in sports.They also shared it with the NFL’s Philadelphia Eagles. So depending on theseason, the facility acted as a football field or a baseball diamond. It wassaid that spectators were able to see the faint outline of a football gridironon the baseball playing field. In a joint effort with other Pennsylvaniaprofessional franchises, including the NFL’s Steelers and the MLB’s Pirates,the Phillies and Eagles petitioned the state for the ability to construct newstadiums. They requested one for each of the four teams. After 33 years at Veterans Stadium, the Philliesmoved into their new state-of-the-art facility, Citizens Bank Park in 2004. Thestadium opened with an exhibition game against the Cleveland Indians.

Havinghad five different stadiums as their home over the history of the franchise,the Phillies embraced Citizens Bank Park. Sincethat time, the Phillies have captured a World Series championship title, twoNational League pennants, and five consecutive NL East titles, while countlessrecords have been broken both on and off the field. However, even moreimportant than the stadium itself, is the team that calls it home. CitizensBank Park is an essential element to the overall history of the PhiladelphiaPhillies because it summarizes the inconsistent success and popularity of theteam.

Now, in the 21st century, the Phillies are the oldest,continuous, same-name, same-city franchise in all of professional sports. Afterbeing founded in 1883 as the "Quakers", the team changed its name tothe "Philadelphias". The team officially became known as the"Phillies" in 1890. Joining the Baseball scene early on, the Philliesplayed in the first World Series in 1915. They won the first game but weredefeated afterward. Shortly after, the team set an attendance record in 1916 of515,365 that stood until after World War II. By the time the 1920s arrived, the Phillies were slippinginto what would become the grimmest period in association history. It lastedfor 31 years during which time the Phils had just one first division finish.

In 1949, with the soon-to-be named Whiz Kids nearly in place,the Phillies wound up third in the league, their highest finish since 1917. Infact, if there was one thing that characterized the 1950s, it was the WhizKids. Simply, the decade belonged to the Whiz Kids, who were just the baseballteam of the 1950 Philadelphia Phillies in Major League Baseball. This stellarperformance put the Phillies into the 1950 World Series, where they sadly lostall four games to the New York Yankees. Nonetheless, for the Phillies, the1970s marked the start of the team's Golden Era. It was easily the mostsuccessful period the club ever had. This period lasted for about a decadebecause finally, after 97 years, the Phillies finally reached the coveted spot in1980 by winning their first World Championship. While in the World Series, thePhillies defeated the Kansas City Royals in six games. They won the first two,lost the next two, then won games five and six. Afterward, the team took a dip again, losingthe 1993 World Series to the Toronto Blue Jays.

On Sept. 28, 2003, the Phillies played in their final game atVeterans Stadium, and gave the place an emotional sendoff. Regardless, CitizensBank Park brought a hint of luck. The Phillies made it to the World Seriesagain, in both 2008 and 2009. This second straight World Series appearance was afirst in franchise history. In fact, for the fifth time in 30 years, thePhillies played in a World Series, matching the Cardinals and Braves for themost. The Phillies finished the 2010 season with the best record in baseballfor the first time in franchise history. However, finished 2015 with the worstrecord in baseball with plenty of change along the way.

Despite the team’s records, it can be seen that the fans arealways loyal. The team set records in2010for attendance (3,647,249 fans, averaging 45,028 pergame) and sellouts (81). This, though, should be taken with a grain of saltbecause in more recent terms the numbers are not the same. Journalist, Rob Tornoe,who writes for The Inquirer inPhiladelphia, wrote a piece detailing the most recent decline in Phillyfanatics. He discusses how the team leads the entire league in attendance decline,during the 2017 season. Tornoe states, “Average home attendance this season isdown more than 8,000 people per game from last year, plummeting to an averageof 29,975 per game. Compared to 2012, attendance is down nearly 14,000 peopleper game.” However, he makes it a point to say that the Phillies do have somethe highest attendance rates amongst the teams with losing records. Tornoesuggests, “instead of slamming fans for steering clear of the ballpark, weshould credit the 30,000 or so who come out every night despite the lacklusterteam their given to support.” All of this information goes to show that thePhillies have had the highest of highs but also the lowest of lows. ObtainingCitizens Bank Park was an incredible feat, but it may be possible that a flashynew ballpark does not necessarily make the team better. It has even beendebated in other Inquirer articlesthat the Phillies no longer use the park to their own advantage.

Regardless of the numbers put into the scorebook, CitizensBank Park has seen a lot of greats in its short life, and brings somethingspecial to the Philadelphia community. “The Bank,” as it is referred to, hasseen its share of wins, loses, home runs, career records, and even World Seriesgames, all in thirteen years. With the neon Liberty Bell that swings and ringsafter Phillies home runs, visitors and fans are embraced in the Philadelphiaculture. Sports, a key factor in Philadelphian life, are neighbors to oneanother in one sports complex. The Eagles, the Phillies, the Flyers, and theSixers all unite residents and visitors. Not only does baseball bring peopletogether, but Citizens Bank Park and the Phillies bring people together, evenPhillies and Mets fans. This field gives people chances to succeed, especiallyby commissioning four local artists to paint murals of the importance ofbaseball and the team throughout the stadium.

This stadium gives back. The Phillies' Red Goes Green program at Citizens Bank Parkis in partnership with Aramark and Spectra. To offset thecarbon footprint created by the team's utility power usage at Citizens BankPark, the Phillies have purchased over 20 million kilowatt-hours of RenewableEnergy Credits, which matches 100% of electricity usage with wind and solargeneration. So, Citizens Bank Park goes beyond baseball. In fact, baseball issimply the stadium’s avenue to create a unified, yet diverse, community inwhich people can gather, forget their worries, and enjoy something that hasbeen enjoyed for generations.

Citizens Bank Park. (n.d.). Retrieved December 03, 2017, from

Citizens Bank Park. (n.d.). Retrieved December 03, 2017, from

Facts and Figures. (n.d.). Retrieved December 03, 2017, from

Gelb, M. (2016, June 26). Phillies no longer using Citizens Bank Park to their advantage.

Retrieved December 03, 2017, from

Tornoe, R., & Klugh, J. (2014, May 30). May 30: Low attendance at Citizens Bank Park. Retrieved December 03, 2017, from

Citizens Bank Park - Clio (2025)


Where not to sit Citizens Bank Park? ›

Sections: Diamond Club Sections A-G; Field Level Sections 109-138. Fans in these sections are still exposed to objects leaving the field of play, including bats and bat fragments, and thrown or batted balls; ticket holder assumes all risk of injury.

Why does Citizens Bank Park have two American flags? ›

When the Phillies switched homes from Veterans Stadium to Citizens Bank Park in April 2004, they regularly played the Montreal Expos, a Canadian team. The two poles were originally placed in the new stadium so the Canadian and American flags could fly simultaneously.

Who is the guy that sits behind the home plate at Citizens Bank Park? ›

Citizens Bank's Dan Fitzpatrick can be seen behind home plate of almost every Phillies home game in the bank's Diamond Club seats.

Why are Citizens Bank Park seats blue? ›

Corsey linked the seat color to aviation. “Maybe because you can see the stadium when you fly into Philadelphia airport, so [passengers] don't see a sea of red that nearby,” said the Philly native. Beljin went in a different direction.

Can I bring soda into Citizens Bank Park? ›

Bottles, Cans, Coolers

Exceptions: unopened plastic bottles (non-alcoholic), baby bottles and single-serve, soft-sided juice containers may be brought into the ballpark after inspection.

How strict is Citizens Bank Park Bag Policy? ›

What bags are allowed inside Citizens Bank Park? Guests are allowed to bring clutch purses and/or fanny packs that are no larger than 5" x 7", clear bags that are no larger than 12" x 6" x 12", medical bags and diaper bags into the stadium. All bags will be subject to search upon entering Citizens Bank Park.

What do the Phillies do when they get on base? ›

When they reach base, they've started to use some part of Sketch's intro when signaling back to the dugout. Whether it's the pumping fists, finger to the sky, bird arms, or a combination, the Phillies have adopted yet another trend to bring onto the diamond.

Does the Phillies stadium have a pool? ›

Most Unique Area In The Stadium

Enjoy a baseball game while swimming in the 87 degree heated pool directly behind the right field home run wall.

What is cool about Citizens Bank Park? ›

The "Angle" The uniqueness of Citizens Bank Park carries over to the playing field with "Angle." The outfield wall, located between the left-center field power alley and dead center field, angles into the playing field and has heights that taper from 19' to 12' 8".

How much does it cost to sit behind a home plate at Citizens Bank Park? ›

$150 Per Ticket - $500 Per Ticket

Sit directly behind home plate with the closest sightlines of the on-field action. Diamond Club ticket holders can enter Phillies stadium through the private Suite & Club Entrance: Home Plate, and enjoy wider padded seats with extra legroom.

What did Citizens Bank Park used to be called? ›

This season, the Phillies are celebrating the 20th anniversary of Citizens Bank Park, the state-of-the-art facility they moved into after 33 years at Veterans Stadium. The world-class ballpark - rated one of the best in the country - opened on April 3, 2004, with an exhibition game against Cleveland.

Is food free in Diamond Club Phillies? ›

This review is for those who normally purchase diamond club tickets. My husband and I always purchase these types of tickets at every stadium we visit and they always include a very nice buffet before the game and then during the game servers bring you anything you want to eat and drink, free of charge.

How do you get your birthday on the Phillies scoreboard? ›

See your name in lights with a choice of four options: $20 package includes name on the scoreboard when the birthday list is scrolled at the end of the 4th inning; $30 package includes name on the scoreboard and an exclusive Phillies cap; $40 package includes name on the scoreboard, Phillies cap and a visit to your ...

What was the largest crowd at Citizens Bank Park? ›

October 2, 2011: A crowd of 46,575 attended Game 2 of the 2011 NLDS between the Phillies and the St. Louis Cardinals. As of 2023, this remains the highest-attended baseball game in the park's history.

Does a 2 year old need a ticket for a Phillies game? ›

Any child 3 years of age and older is required to have a ticket to the game.

Which side of Citizens Bank Park is in the shade? ›

An Annotated Map of Citizens Bank Park. A: For shade: “This was built to be a very open facility,” Harris says; shade can be hard to come by. But “that third-base line gets shade before anywhere else during summer evening games” since the sun sets behind the foul pole there.

What are good seats for the Phillies game? ›

The best seats for a Philadelphia Phillies game, or any baseball game for that matter, are located behind the plate and around in the infield in the lower level sections. Ideally, you want to sit in Sections A-G (Diamond Club), but any other section in the infield is still a great option.

What section is standing room only at Citizens Bank Park? ›

Standing room only tickets at Citizens Bank Park are some of the cheapest seats in the house. There won't be any seats though, this section is designed exactly how it sounds, standing room only. For a Phillies game this section is located in Left Center field near the big Left Field scoreboard.

What lots are tailgating lots at Citizens Bank Park? ›

Tailgating. Tailgating will be permitted in the following parking lots: A-H, M, N & O. Tailgating is not permitted in parking lots West of Darien Street and North of Pattison Avenue. Tailgating lots will open five hours prior to the schedule start time.


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.