Beware Of Use Of Sharp Pins At Risk Of HIV Circulation (2025)

04 Desember 2024, 18:25 | Editorial Team


JAKARTA - HIV transmission through sexual intercourse that is at risk occurs when there is an exchange of infected body fluids. For example, body fluids in the form of semen, vaginal fluids, rectal fluids, or blood entering the partner's body through mukosa, namely layers in the vagina, penis, anus, and open mouth or wound.

However, HIV transmission does not only occur due to sexual intercourse, the use of sharp needles can also be risky. Especially if sharp syringes such as syringes, the alternate use can increase the risk of developing HIV, especially if needles are used among injecting narcotics users.

"Be careful of sharp needles and blunt needles are essential to prevent HIV/AIDS transmission, because HIV can spread through direct contact with contaminated blood," Ngabila said as quoted by Antara.

Transmission is higher if the infected partner has a high amount of virus in the blood (viral load).

Risks can also come from sharp needles that are not sterile, such as those used in medical procedures or tattoo manufacturing.

"If a sharp needle is not thrown away properly, someone else can be exposed (to transmission) when littering or stepping on it," said Ngabila.

According to Ngabila, prevention can be done using a needle in just one use (disposable syringe). The syringe used must also be confirmed to be sterile from anything before being used.

Each individual is not advised to share needles, even with people who look healthy.

"Dispose of sharp needles at special disposal sites to avoid accidents," he added.

On that occasion, Ngabila added that HIV/AIDS transmission can also occur through risky sexual intercourse. An example is dealing without condoms, which increases the risk of transmission, especially if one of the partners is infected.

Anal sexual intercourse is also risky because tissue in rectum is more susceptible to wounds than tissue in the vagina.

Another type of relationship that is at risk is changing partners. Ngabila explained that in that relationship it is possible to interact with someone infected with HIV will increase, especially if the status of the two HIV is unknown.

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"Having sex with an unknown partner's HIV status will increase the risk, especially if they are infected and do not undergo anti-retroviral (ART) therapy," he said.

Furthermore, he said that the presence of wounds or sexually transmitted infections (IMS) can also trigger transmission. Wounds in genital areas or infections such as sifilis, herpes, or gonore can make it easier for viruses to enter the body, including when a couple is menstruating.

Therefore, he recommends that couples who wish to have sex use condoms correctly. Stabbing latex or polyuretan is very effective in preventing HIV transmission if used properly every time they have sex.

Then early detection can be done through routine HIV tests, especially if you have a new partner or several sexual partners. As for sufferers, they can undergo antiretroviral therapy (ART).

The transmission of HIV through sexual intercourse can be prevented by simple but consistent steps. Education and access to prevention tools such as condoms and Pra-Panan (PreEP) profiling are essential to protect yourself and your partner," said Ngabila.

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Beware Of Use Of Sharp Pins At Risk Of HIV Circulation (2025)


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